About Us

Road Home Geelong

Road Home Geelong is embarking on an awareness campaign supporting the most vulnerable people in our society; these people are just like you and I, but have had some bad luck in their lives. 

How would you manage your daily life if you had no place to call home?

On any given night over 112,000 Australians are experiencing homelessness, of these nearly 45% are under 25 years of age.

It is up to all of us as a society to change this situation.

We can’t continue to see young children be left with no secure home to live in.

We would ask you to pass this information on to your families, friends and colleagues, they may wish to be involved.

We hope that you can be one of many businesses, local schools and colleges participating in this awareness program to raise the profile of our fellow Australians and to show the remainder of Australia that although some of us may be struggling more than others we can still stand together in this time of support.

You can find links to resources and information that you can use here.

Please contact us for more information and how you can fundraise through your event.

 Just one of the many people experiencing homelessness it can be in many forms.


Mr Ray Sutton on theroadhome20@gmail.com